LUXELT: Made in Brianza
Luxelt is located in the municipality of Calco, in the province of Lecco and within the Brianza triangle. An area of great natural, historical, economic and social value. In the past, Brianza was, especially between 1800 and the early 1900s, a tourist and holiday destination for the Milanese bourgeoisie. Here, in fact, the wonderful villas with Italian gardens are still present in the area, which have hosted poets, writers and painters. The Brianza economy has always been founded on agriculture, but thanks to the construction of the railway network and the post-war economic boom, although it was abandoned by tourism, it has been positively affected by the development of the industrial sector.Thanks to a Master of Business Internationalization that I have been following in recent months, I had the pleasure of listening to Professor M. Puricelli. Her great direct experience with businesses, especially with micro and small ones in our area, meant that I was glued to the PC monitor for four hours and believe me that I would have liked to continue for the entire duration of the afternoon. It was a great source of inspiration, bringing to my attention and to other one hundred and sixty connected entrepreneurs and managers, an extremely important factor on which micro and small businesses should leverage. To be a strong company, it is not necessary to grow. There is no need to have hundreds of employees, turnover of millionaires, super-automated and robotic production lines. Yes, that too is a direction that an entrepreneur could look at, but it depends precisely on the entrepreneur, the team, the company itself. So I thought that the teacher is right - but I would not have had any doubts - and that Luxelt is a micro-family-run and artisanal company, which does not want to change its characteristics, but simply improve them to strengthen the brand, to make itself known in its own territory and in the future, even outside the Italian borders.
And it is precisely from the territory in which we find ourselves that we must start.
Luxelt is located in the municipality of Calco, in the province of Lecco and within the Brianza triangle. An area of great natural, historical, economic and social value. In the past, Brianza was, especially between 1800 and the early 1900s, a tourist and holiday destination for the Milanese bourgeoisie. Here, in fact, the wonderful villas with Italian gardens are still present in the area, which have hosted poets, writers and painters. The Brianza economy has always been founded on agriculture, but thanks to the construction of the railway network and the post-war economic boom, although it was abandoned by tourism, it has been positively affected by the development of the industrial sector.
Today it is still a great reference point and strategic point for the economy of the Lombardy Region and, if I may, I can also Italian economy. In fact, in Brianza the main manufacturing sectors are aimed at mechanics with 30% of companies, followed by the wood and furniture sector at 23%, textiles at 9% and electronics with around 7% with a large number of exports.
Luxelt was born as a manufacturing company in the electronics sector and, thanks to the lighting division within it, it addresses the wood and furniture sector. We develop our mission on the southern border of Alta Brianza, designing and producing electronic boards for companies not only present in our territory, but throughout Italy and we turn our gaze to a future in which we will also be strongly present abroad, maintaining the our roots exactly where they are now.
(Erica Turolla - Luxelt Sales Manager)